Saturday 5 December 2009


Not wrote to this in a while but i plan on writting to it alot more, im going to fill this with alot more in the coming weeks.

Recently i stumbled across a tv show called " Fringe" wich was co-created by J. J. Abrams, Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci.

The show itself is phenominal, i however was very close to dismissing it and never watching it after i watched the pilot as my mind did not actually think about wha tentailed in the programme and just watched it as some things where " cool " however once i opend my mind up to it and finaly watched it and also understood it. i can safely say it is one of the best tv shows i have ever seen. mainly because of what it is about, Out of the box science. and not just crappy explosions or what happens if i run my hand under a cold tap then a hot tap i mean

Teleportation, precognition, artificial intelligence, dark matter, psychokinesis, cybernetics, suspended animation,

these are just some of the subjects that "Fringe" deals with and i implore anyone with an open mind to watch this show. it will also open your mind to the possiblilities that science can hold and the fact it should not be sterotyped as boring.

Everything in fringe is plausible and is in a way possible to do nowadays. who knows though maybe it is being experimented right under our noses

one reason why i love fringe is the characters. it has a main story is about the character " Walter Bishop" who is played by John Noble. he has sufferd some memory loss wich in return gives for some great comedy moments and performances, fringe isnt just a show about science, it is funny and portrays typical characters in a diferent inviroment. the woman agent trying to prove herself, the cocky son who wont go along with the plan. it has its twists and turns all wich i never seen coming!

The other reason i watch fringe is i am absaloutly in love with the theme tune wich i shall post at the end.

anyway there is not much i can say other than i hope people read this and if they do, please take the time out to watch this show, i will happily help them with finding links to the tv show. just mail me or tweet me on twitter

here is the link to the opening

again sorry for the spelling, i tend to rush these things to get it all out.


Thursday 8 October 2009

Toy Story 3d!!!

So i went to see toy story 3d yesterday and i can honestly say it was amazing. it was the first time i have ever seen a 3d film and i am gratefull that it was toy story. thanks to lewis wake for convincing me and helping me out with the Orange wednesday scheme!

the trailers for the film were amazing and in the new upcoming Scrooge film ( voiced my jim carey) in the trailer whe nit snowed it looked like it was snowing in the cinema. i felt like i was 5 again and had a big grin on my face the whole way through the film

as you will know from twitter i was greatly excited about going to see the film and would not shut up, apologies to my fellow compadre's Darren, Murray and lewis but im sure they shared the excitment!

i laughed alot more seeing toy story 14 years after i seen it for the first time as i didnt just look at it n go TOYS MOVING!!! i listend and enjoyed the dialogue and there are alot more jokes i got now that i did when i was a child. from Buzz Lightyear saying

" i dont think that man has ever been to medical school" talking about sid while he does his operation to Rex shouting


simple comedy like this put a smile on my face from start to finish not to mention my laugh that is loud and qoute from murray

" Brians laugh is the kind of laugh that means 1 whatever he laughs it IS funny and 2 the kind of laugh that you hear and laugh"

i hope i did not irritate the fellow spectaros in the cinema but i dont care

yesterda yi got to be 5 years old again

Toy story 3d


Brian x

Saturday 19 September 2009

District 9

Hey peeps. just got back from seeing "district 9" and it was more than fucking amazing, the way the story is told is really cool. its 50% shot like a documentary as if it happened and the other 25% is blood and guts with another 25% of the main character saying "fuck" in a south African accent, the best way to say fuck in my opinion.

The characters were very well portrayed and the transformation of the main character was outstanding, from being an office clerk to becoming a fugitive to then kicking some serious ass. It was believable and I would easily go and see this film again!!

Anyway peeps. It is 01:49 and i have work in 6 hours so I think I’ll go play some Xbox and kill some zombies.

Have a good one

Brian x

Thursday 17 September 2009

First Blog

Right so here i am Blogger! Thanks to lorna i have now enterd the blogging community! i would like to let you people that read it ( not very many) ill end up making spelling mistakes and im not to botherd:D.

So ye!

Im not going to say much at the moment but im watching a programme on swine flu.....

All i can say is bring it Swine! ill punch you in the nose

Brian x